
display rom screen

  • To view such information during normal operation, please check and configure the DIP SWITCH execution mode.

  • The information will appear for 10 seconds, divided into four lines, displaying details about ROM and the program:

    • Line 1: {Git Hash} {TID}

      • Git Hash: The shortened git commit hash of the BillMock firmware program billmock-app-rs.
      • TID: The unique Terminal ID of the card terminal. It is a value set in the card terminal when connecting it to the payment gateway (PG). It is also a unique identifier in the PG's system.
    • Line 2: Cards: {1P Count} + {2P Count} = {Credit Sum}

      • 1P Count: Accumulated clock counts for Player 1 based on pre-configured clock settings and consumer payments on the card terminal.
      • 2P Count: Accumulated clock counts for Player 2 based on pre-configured clock settings and consumer payments on the card terminal.
      • Credit Sum: The sum of 1P Count and 2P Count, representing credits processed by the card terminal.
    • Line 3: Bills: {1P Count} + {2P Count} = {Coin Sum}

      • 1P Count: Accumulated clock counts for Player 1 based on bill acceptor or coin acceptor clock settings and consumer payments.
      • 2P Count: Accumulated clock counts for Player 2 based on bill acceptor or coin acceptor clock settings and consumer payments.
      • Coin Sum: The sum of 1P Count and 2P Count, representing currency processed by the bill acceptor or coin acceptor.
    • Line 4: 1P: {1P Sum Count}, {2P Sum Count}

      • 1P Sum Count: The total clock counts accumulated for Player 1 by the card terminal and bill acceptor (or coin acceptor).
        It's the sum of 1P Count from the second and third lines.
      • 2P Sum Count: The total clock counts accumulated for Player 2 by the card terminal and bill acceptor (or coin acceptor).
        It's the sum of 2P Count from the second and third lines.
  • All count numbers are displayed in 6 digits (0 ~ 999,999). If the count exceeds 1,000,000, it will be displayed as 000,000, and the next count after that will increment normally, such as 000,001.

  • This feature is available starting from firmware version 0.2.0 and hardware 0.4 or Mini 0.4 and later. It is not available for previous hardware versions.

  • From hardware version 0.5 or Mini 0.5 onwards, you can use the SVC button by pressing it briefly.

    svc button